This might seem like a random post, but considering the rates of sexually transmitted disease and HIV infection in communities of color, this topic is more than worth mentioning, because it is clearly connected to unsafe sex. In my informal discussions with women in my age group, the majority of them claim multiple sexual partners, or are dating someone who they believe may have other sexual partners besides them. Casual sex seems to be now almost an afterthought, a modern prelude to dating. A second look needs to now be given to the link between mental illness and sexual activity in the health care and human services communities. Promiscuity can be a red flag that something deeper is going on beneath the surface, and research links depression and other form of mental illness to inappropriate sexual behavior. Sexual addiction is indeed an addiction, but not so similar to other forms, like drug addiction. They are both health issues, and both require clinical mental and physical health diagnosis, and treatment. My point is here is that individuals and treatment communities alike have a shared responsibility to come together and look at ways to prevent the spread of disease, and have more honest conversation on this topic. Because if the topic is uncomfortable, or you think it doesn't apply to you, then you are probably not being part of the solution.
Seven signs you’re dating a sex addict
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