7 Reasons why black youth are murdered in America by bigots

1.  The punishment rarely fits the coldbloodedness of the crime. Premeditated murder is capital murder.

2.  Historically, premeditated murders perpetrated against people of color by white people in America have not formally been addressed in a direct conversation between us. Slavery, and the racism and brutality of the civil rights era have been, in the form of apologies, speeches, holidays. Are bloody black bodies taboo?

3. Deluded (white) people who believe that they are incapable of violence, destruction, or harm, merely "acts of heroism" or self-defense" which is their right that they must act out whenever fear strikes them
 (which is often, as a coward always tries to convince himself he is a hero.)

4. Fear Goggles. Say what now?  (It's a phrase coined by Jessica Williams of The Daily Show)

5. We are desensitized to black teen mortality. It is "normal" for black youth to die by "violent means".

6. Young people are easy targets, and willingly engage with strangers, as it in a child's nature; thus "Stranger Danger" and other childhood tactics we teach to try to protect our youth that sometimes sadly, fail us.

7. We rely heavily on heavily flawed systems of public safety, that are not designed or intended to protect people of color, and explain away the failings of said systems with more reliance on the same systems to correct these flaws. What sense does this make? The cycle continues...

*I chose not to give this blog post any formal opening or closing, so as to translate to its reader the irrationality of violence and the cold, abrupt, finality that epitomizes murder. #RIP Jordan. #enoughisenough